
Gold has been utilized to guarantee riches all through a titanic number of years. The nature of gold’s entire arrangement acquiring influence is excellent and better than anything any fiat cash. It is a digital crypto assets maintained up by physical gold, which is gotten each time a token is issued and set away in a verified vault in Singapore. GOLD is a guaranteed, ideal and speedy course of action that fills different needs from endeavor and portfolio growing to verify exchanges and fill in as a gift which can be given to family and colleagues.

The GOLD Ethereum-based ERC20 token is significant and a minute method to manage store, purchase, sell or move hypothesis grade gold. GOLD token is truly what you have to buy gold and store it digitally with complete riddle and ensured security of your advantages from high capriciousness and loss of vital worth.


  • GOLD is an immediate and clear money related assets, where physical gold acquired by Gold Ltd affiliation is enough arranged against the extent of issued tokens. Coming up next are the game plans proffered by DIGITAL GOLD;
  • Gold token assistance against market capriciousness and a staggering technique to separate portfolio. It is a low precariousness stable digital asset and it is maintained by physical gold and its cost is pegged to the market cost of gold.
  • GOLD token is an astonishing asset for portfolio expansion because of its straightforwardness where anybody can encourage the extent of issued GOLD tokens against the extent of physical gold in vault set away or held by the affiliation.
  • GOLD token is a remarkable open gateway for cash related specialists examining for a central method to buy gold bullion bars and stable digital assets. The estimation of GOLD is pegged to gold market cost and the Gold platform connects with customers to buy an immediate and stable digital asset. Customers can in like manner buy Gold tokens inside minutes.
  • Gold Token is a digital asset for supportive limit and secure trades that customers can depend upon. Gold Token is an ERC-20 standard Ethereum token with a sagacious contract that charges 1% yearly cost for limit of GOLD Tokens. The GOLD Token can in like manner be moved from to any Ethereum address and can be utilized for standard trades. Every single GOLD trade is free and can be enough gotten and sold through the official site and digital exchanges.
  • High unconventionality is in all probability not going to affect GOLD token as its cost depends just on market cost of gold. Power of entire arrangement gold cost is extraordinary making GOLD a mind boggling option to USD or EUR-related stablecoins.
  • GOLD Token can in like manner be used as a digital gift to relatives, friends and family. GOLD furthermore isn’t in danger to electrifying corrupting or degradation.
  • Gold in like manner shield your speculation assets from expanding as it has been displayed as store of essential worth and entire arrangement development support for more than countless years. US Dollar, on another hand, doesn’t have such reputation. This makes gold an unprecedented reaction for protecting your endeavor resources from expanding. GOLD token is your tokenized interface between FIAT/digital fiscal gauges and physical gold.


  • GOLD as a token absolutely maintained by or bolstered by physical gold, is the best immaculate against unconventionality, swings and poor crypto money related conditions. The token can be promptly purchased, sold and moved making it a surprising expansion to your portfolio.
  • Customers can make payment with GOLD with no trade charges or costs. Customers can make various payments as they like without being charged and the GOLD can be used for step by step cash related day by day practice.
  • 100% of GOLD is kept up by physical gold. Extent of physical gold set away can be created against the immovable number of tokens constantly. All physical gold set away in vault is completely protected, 100% of the time. The assurance furthermore covers all dangers by one of the world’s most prominent security, Chubb Insurance.
  • Token benefactor affiliation, DIGITAL GOLD LTD, is a liquidity provider empowering buy and sell of a lot of tokens near market cost. Token holder can immediately buy or sell tokens at this site or extra exchanges.
  • GOLD Token is Security Cognizant and insurance perceptive. Customers don’t need to encounter consistence with close by rules.


The Digital Gold errands is an extraordinary one that has come to utilize blockchain advancement to help proffer game plans and make the taking care of and trading of Gold to be successfully done. GOLD Token is bolstered with certifiable physical Gold while customers can in like manner make trades with no extra charges.

Get more information and updates from the below website here:

Website: https://gold.storage

White Paper: https://gold.storage/wp.pdf

ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5161544

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/golderc20

Medium: https://medium.com/@digitalgoldcoin

Telegram: https://t.me/digitalgoldcoin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gold_erc20

Btt Name: b0latit0

Btt URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2650206;sa=summary

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